Bridgwater on Facebook

By Scott Moore, Realtor 

Facebook has obviously had its ups and downs in all our lives but one place that it really shines is by fulfilling a really neat role in connecting our neighbourhoods and communities.

I think about it like a virtual bulletin board (Bike for sale, Lost dog, etc) or the chit chat that would happen at the neighbourhood coffee shop (“Did you hear Jim spotted a coyote?” “Who did you use for your window cleaning?” etc). I think its great!

Back in the original days of Bridgwater, there were three main places on Facebook that helped us build our community - Bridgwater Forest Neighborhood Association, Bridgwater Lakes Community & Bridgwater Lakes R3Y. I believe these three were all started in 2014/2015 and all three are still very active pages.

Recently, there’s been an explosion of new groups and pages focusing on all kinds of different aspects of life in Bridgwater, so I thought it would be helpful to compile a list. I bet many of you would find these groups interesting or helpful.

Bridgwater Facebook Pages

Bridgwater Facebook Groups




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