Should I wait for Interest Rates to Drop Before Buying a House?
Realtor Scott Moore lets us know why now is the time to buy given the interest rates.
What should I budget for landscaping on my new build home?
Realtor Scott Moore breaks down the different guidelines and costs associated with landscaping your home.
Unlocking Homeownership with Manitoba Metis Federation's Grant Program
Realtor Stephanie Baron talks about the Manitoba Metis Federation's Grant Program, making your homeownership dreams a reality!
My Story: Ten Years of Relocations
Realtor Phil Gear with his personal story of ten years of relocating from Newfoundland, to New Brunswick, to Ohio, Saskatchewan, and finally, Manitoba.
What is land transfer tax in Manitoba?
Realtor Scott Moore with the breakdown on Manitoba’s Land Transfer Tax
How Do I Get the Most Amount of Money for My House?
Realtor Stephanie Baron tells us how you can get the most out of your home when selling.
Is It a Good Time to Buy a House in Winnipeg?
Is now a good time to buy a house in Winnipeg? Realtor Phil Gear has the answer!
Can Chat GPT help you with Home Renovations?
Realtor Scott Moore asked Chat GPT how to complete a laundry room renovation. Here’s how the conversation went.
What should I do if my neighbour asks me to share the cost of building a fence?
Realtor Scott Moore talks about why you should consider sharing the cost a fence with a neighbour.
Top 4 Reasons Why River Heights Should be on Your Radar When Buying a Home
Realtor Stephanie Baron tell us the top reasons why River Heights is her favourite neighbourhood (and why it should be yours too)!
What is the Process of Building a Home in Winnipeg?
Realtor Reid Boles details the step-by-step description of the process of building a new home in Winnipeg, Manitoba with premier builder Discovery Homes.
Discovering Winnipeg's Most Liveable Neighbourhoods: A Perfect Blend of Comfort and Community
We love Winnipeg! Realtor Phil Gear talks about the diverse range of neighbourhoods Winnipeg has to offer.
How Can I Save Money Around The House?
These days we could all use a few ways to save a dollar or two. Realtor Scott Moore has found many ways that can help you keep more money in your wallet.
How do I get started with real estate investing?
Find out how you can build wealth with real estate investing!
How should I plan for my House Hunting Trip to Winnipeg?
Here’s a step-by-step guide to planning your HHT to Winnipeg from realtor Phil Gear.
What’s the best time of year to sell my house in Winnipeg?
Realtor Scott Moore tells us which is the best month to sell your house and why.
Can I buy a new house without losing my interest rate?
Do you feel stuck in your current home because you don’t want to lose your low interest rate? Realtor Scott Moore has the details on how you can keep your low interest and still get a new home.
Sellers who list with RE/MAX will be entered for the chance to win prizes totalling over $40k!
Bridgwater on Facebook
Realtor Scott Moore lists the various Bridgwater Facebook Groups to keep you connected to the community.
Where is the best place to live in Winnipeg?
Where should I live in Winnipeg? Realtor Scott Moore’s personalized recommendations for the best neighbourhoods in Winnipeg.